Sustainable Mango Wood Furniture

mango wood harvesting

Mango Wood and it's Benefits

In recent years the furniture industry has opened its eyes to the use of Mango wood. The reason for this is that it is a much more sustainable solution than many other timbers and is also strong and incredibly attractive.

Is Mango Wood Sustainable

Sustainable: The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level | Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance” - Oxford Dictionary

We all love mangoes so let's find out a little bit more about the life cycle of the actual trees that they grow on and what becomes of them after they have borne their fruit. Mango trees are fast-growing tropical hardwood trees with a relatively short growing life at around 12-15 years. They are of course initially grown for their tasty fruit, which is harvested over a number of years and once the trees have stopped bearing fruit they can then be cut down to make furniture. The large growing stock of mango trees means that this mango wood is readily available as a by-product. The furniture provides a use for this beautiful timber that allows it to live another life beyond the tree, provides a supplementary income for the farmers and more trees are planted in their place.

sustainable mango wood

Processing the Mango Wood

Turning mango wood into furniture has a relatively low carbon footprint because the wood does not require extensive processing, seasoning or drying and waste can be recycled fully as by-products or biomass pellets to offset the carbon emissions during harvesting and processing.

It is the transporting of the mango wood that is the most carbon-intensive in the life-cycle of the wood due to the distances involved in transit. Most mango wood comes from India however when considering the full life cycle of the wood and the carbon capture during the furniture product's long life it is a sustainable solution for our furniture. It is a big plus that it is beautiful too. The end of life stage is also a plus as the wood is either reused or burned as bio energy.

Beautiful Mango Wood Furniture

mango wood table

 Club table in mango wood from Society of Lifestyle brand House Doctor

mango wood parquet table

Round parquet mango wood dining table from Society of Lifestyle brand House Doctor

Nkuku fia mango wood dining table

Fia mango wood table and bench from British brand Nkuku

 Mango wood industrial storage bench from Nkuku

Industrial storage bench with mango wood top from Nkuku

View our full range of mango wood furniture here.

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